Online abstract submission, reviewing and management system: Abstract Agent - LookUs Scientific

Abstract Management

AbstractAgent™ is an intelligent, advanced and swift system that sets the standard of abstract management.

AbstractAgent™ meets all needs of abstract management. It can be engaged in a short time, it saves your time and it is cost effective.

Therefore, it is the most widely used system in it's region

Complete solution for abstract management

  • Collection of abstracts
  • Evaluation by reviewers
  • Judge by Master reviewer
  • Prepare to print-publication
  • Online announcements
  • Real-time track by mobile app*

All processes perform as online. Moreover, you may perform surveys; integrate abstracts with built-in e-posters and scientific program add-ons.

* Download `AbsractAgent` application: Available on iTunes and Google Play.

Abstracts in your mobile

You can track incoming abstracts and reviewer actions by scan the QR code and add it to the AbstractAgent app. You can download the app via iPhone and Android market (by searching for "abstractagent")